Coloured Street Fashion Influenced by Cape Malay Culture and "Playboys"

Growing up as a coloured kid in Cape Town, it goes without saying that you understand style before you can even read. Colour co-ordination, quality materials, trends and how different cuts of clothing work together were some of the first things we learned in our early years before we were even dressing ourselves. Now, in our own way we pay tribute to the style our mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunties and uncles blessed us with by mixing it with our favourite contemporary pieces and labels. Cape coloureds have navigated style through the ages in such a timeless way, that so many of our signature combinations, looks and methods of draping have been appropriated by YT kids everywhere. Unfortunately for those of you that this applies to, jy herrit nie. This shoot sees the influence of Seraaj and Yuriy’s Cape Malay upbringing in the Southern Suburbs and Cape Flats, paying homage to the classic sportswear and religious attire, not used to stunt, but used for functionality and purpose. The shoot also sees Kalo and Seraaj pay tribute to the “playboys” in their communities, with leather jackets, tracksuit pants and leather loafers.

Words: Kalo Canterbury Styling: Seraaj Semaar Photography: Andile Phewa Models: Seraaj Semaar, Kalo Canterbury, Yusriy Barodien