'Daremposh' | Honouring Culture and Faith Through Contemporary Wear
Cape Town based multi-disciplinary artist Ya'eesh Dollie, who we first featured for his visual series "Efflorescence In The Cape Flats" presents "Daremposh" in collaboration with Jesse Jewelz, Azhar Abrahams and Darryn Braff.
This project is an introduction to Daremposh, a medium wherein I express myself through the construction of contemporary wear. I do not call Daremposh a clothing brand as that is not my ultimate goal but my aim is rather to create pieces that are nostalgic to many, in different ways in accordance with their life experiences. I draw inspiration from my religion and culture, and aim to express this religiously (excuse the pun) through garments.
Daremposh (pronounced dâr-uhm-pôsh) is a term that some might be familiar with. Growing up as a young boy and attending family events, I would always hear this term being used to describe the way I looked: "Ya'eesh, jy lyk darem posh!", is what my aunties would tell me. For those who do not know, they were stating that my dress code was immaculate and I looked good.
As I am venturing into the realm of fashion design, I though it would be appropriate to name my creation after such a significant phrase that represents much more than just looking good. Daremposh is a conceptual art piece from my culture, incorporating the present and the future. I intend to tackle the journey of clothing in a manner whereby the old turns into the new because the material you wear should carry a story in it. This is my story being expressed in the form of contemporary wear and the world is invited to tag along.
This design set is constructed from an upcycled umbrella that I have had for years. When I am aligned with the opportunity to re-use material that has once served a purpose but no longer does, the opportunity will be pursued. Fashion has the potential to play its part in healing the earth and we should be conscious of this when creating in any medium of art.
Team Credits:
Original score: Darryn Braff